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Mao Necklace

Mao Necklace

Regular price $19.99 USD
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Metal Color


Style: Pharaonic

Shape : Mao face

Pattern: Diverse

Material: Stainless steel

Length of Chain: 60cm

Size of pendant: 20*40.5mm

Weight: 18g

Model Number: ASS2023042806-HZL


The Egyptian Mau, also known as the Pharaoh cat, is an ancient breed of cat that was revered in ancient Egypt. It was considered a symbol of protection and good luck. These cats were associated with the goddess Bastet, the goddess of love, beauty, home, and protector of the family, who was sometimes depicted as a cat or as a woman with the head of a cat. 

Cats in ancient Egypt were protected by law, and it was forbidden to kill or harm them. The ancient Egyptians sometimes mummified their cats after their death and buried them in special tombs, just as they did with members of their family. 

The breed that traces its roots to ancient Egypt is known today as the Egyptian Mau, a small to medium-sized, graceful breed with a naturally spotted coat. Modern Pharaoh cats are not exactly the same as the cats of ancient times, but they are considered to be the closest breeds that retain characteristics of the cats that lived in ancient Egypt.

Feature: High-Quality

Compatibility: All Compatible

Nothing prevents you from being yourself, what you wear expresses you, make your choices

Be a king of Egypt with the Mao Necklace

When you own and wear this necklace, you support your elegance and show the charm of your gravity. Remember, you deserve it.

We have no other Branch. Kindly beware of the fake sellers 

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